Authentic Pre-owned Designer Handbags

Our store has a wide variety of authentic, pre-owned handbags. Just a few of the brands we work with include Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada, Hermès and many more. We are always willing to consider other designer brands depending on their condition, style, and pre-owned value. If you have a designer bag you grew out of love with, give it a second chance and bring it to one of our staff members for a free quote. We look for items in new, like new or gently worn condition and without any significant defects or markers.


Browse our collection

Our selection of authentic pre-owned designer handbags is constantly growing with new styles being put out for sale daily. We have a highly knowledgeable and friendly staff who can help you shop for that perfect designer handbag, wallet or clutch. All items which are sold in our store are guaranteed to be 100% authentic. Some of the brands we carry include Hermès, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada and much more. Come visit us today!


Fast, secure, confidential

At Richmond Luxury & Loan we do not work on a consignment basis and buy all of our items outright. If you have made the decision to sell a luxury handbag we invite you to start the process by visiting our store for an easy and free quote. We offer quick quotes and same day payment should you choose to sell your handbag with us. If you’re not quite ready to part with your handbag, we also offer the option to use your handbag as collateral towards a loan from our store. For more information, contact us today!


100% Authenticity

Richmond Luxury & Loan takes the authenticity of all designer bags very seriously. All bags that are brought into our store go through a very thorough examination and authentication process by our staff who have years of hands on experience with luxury items. We guarantee every handbag we sell to be authentic. If there is any doubt to an item’s authenticity or quality we simply do not buy it.