Established in 2004, Richmond Luxury & Loan has the utmost expertise in selling, purchasing and loaning on luxury goods. While visiting our store you will find a beautiful selection of fine and designer jewellery, high end designer watches, diamonds and designer handbags. In addition to buying and selling we also provide the option for our customers to take out collateral loans on their valuables.

We strive to provide our customers with a highly professional and confidential place to conduct business and look forward to seeing you in our store soon!

If you are interested in selling an item or requesting a loan and would like additional information on our policies, please visit our Loans Page or give us a call at 604-233-0111. Should you choose to take out a loan with Richmond Luxury & Loan, all of your items will be insured while in our possession.

Store Policies





.99999 (1oz) Gold Coins $ 108.53
24 karat /g $ 94.03
22 karat /g $ 86.20
20 karat /g $ 78.36
18 karat /g $ 70.52
14 karat /g $ 54.85
10 karat /g $ 39.18
Gold Maple Leaf 1 oz $ 3380.39
Recognized Gold Bars 1oz $ 3375.39


.925 Sterling Silver /g $ 0.95
Silver Maple Coin 1 oz $ 38.91
Silver Bar 1 oz $ 37.41